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February 5, 2025
As 2024 comes to an end, the QIPS leadership team would like to look forward to our plans for the section newsletter in 2025
July 26, 2022
The College has its own team of quality individuals that help shape research, policy, and efforts for important issues in emergency medicine: the Emergency Quality Network (E-QUAL). Read about some e...
July 19, 2022
Learn about the E-QUAL Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) Initiative and work to develop a comprehensive implementation package for emergency physicians to improve the quality and frequency of care to patien...
Learn about the E-QUAL Stroke Care initiative and the work done to improve the care for stroke patients in the ED.
Catch some insights on the national shortages of baby formula and iodinated contrast and their impact to patients and physicians.
Read about E-QUAL's Opioid Initiative and the work being conducted to decrease opioid prescribing.
Read some ramblings from Dr. Clint Hobson, QIPS Section Newsletter Editor on the opinion piece Dr. Lisa Rosenbaum published in April 2022 in the New England Journal of Medicine, as she explores the cu...
Check out the lineup of some fantastic Quality Improvement conferences coming up.
Interested in joining QIPS Section leadership? Read about our elections and how you can get involved.
Catch up with Dr. Rohit Sangal, QIPS Section Chair as he provides some updates, talks about Scientific Assembly in Boston, and YOU, the section members.
Read in on the activities that occurred during Scientific Assembly 2021 in our annual section meeting.
Read about the QIPS Section's book club and how you can participate.
Listen in on Dr. Cameron Gettel as he talks through the EM-focused MIPS Value Pathway (MVP).
June 10, 2021
The timely administration of antibiotics has a well-established benefit in serious bacterial infections, including sepsis, bacteremia and meningitis.
Greetings QIPS members! With interest in quality improvement and patient safety growing, so too is the list of terms and acronyms – and so the QIPS glossary (with links to outside source material) is ...
These past 18 months have been challenging for all of us caring for patients, managing departments and keeping our families safe.
We believe the work you do in quality roles for your hospitals is valuable and should be compensated accordingly.
Acute post-resuscitation debriefing is a foundation of high-performing teams. Studies in have reported on the widespread prevalence of secondary trauma in emergency personnel.
Your ACEP Board of Directors has been diligently digesting, analyzing, and implementing concrete solutions to address a recently released workforce study which – for the first time in history - predic...
At ACEP, QIPS has a seat at the table—the council table! The ACEP council is a legislative body similar to the U.S. House of Representatives.
September 10, 2020
We are happy to let you know that the Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Section (QIPS) is sending a call for applications to the 2020 Resident Quality Award and a Postgraduate Quality and Service A...
The ACEP Council meeting is just around the corner and QIPS is excited to be co-sponsoring two resolutions with the American Association of Women Emergency Physicians (AAWEP) section.
As my time as the Website Editor for QIPS is coming to an end, I wanted to share some information about new and upcoming changes to make to the website benefit our members.
“The QIPS section is working to create a QI Curriculum for Emergency Medicine Residency programs.
There is so much out there on COVID-19 both reputable and not. We have put together some high yield links on the QIPS website and are summarized here.