Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Section Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

IHI/BMJ International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare: Europe

March 30 - April 1, 2022 | Gothenburg | In-person

The International Forum shares knowledge, ideas, and expertise that inform quality improvement, patient safety projects, and practice transformations worldwide. Whether virtually or in person, we bring together healthcare improvers (including patients) from different parts of the world to discuss and share examples of innovation that can be replicated. Join IHI and BMJ in exchanging ideas, celebrating successes, and helping each other solve ​problems.

Meeting Info

IHI Patient Safety Congress

May 16-18, 2022 | Dallas, TX | In-person

The Patient Safety Congress brings together people who are passionate about ensuring safe care equitably for all across the globe. This is the must-attend event for those who continue to shape ​​smarter, safer care for patients wherever it’s provided – from the hospital to outpatient settings to the home.

Meeting Info

IHI/BMJ International Forum on Quality & Safety Asia/Pacific

June 6-8, 2022 | Sydney | In-person

For over 25 years, the International Forum has been bringing together healthcare improvers (including patients) from different parts of the world to discuss and share examples of innovation that can be replicated. Join IHI and BMJ for this in-person conference in Sydney, Australia to exchange ideas, reflect on outcomes from the region and beyond, and find solutions to common problems.

Meeting Info

Upcoming ACEP Meetings

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