State Legislative Office Services and Resources

The ACEP State Legislative Office assists chapters in pursuing state legislative initiatives that benefit the practice of emergency medicine. The office provides resources on current legislative issues and assists chapters in developing effective strategies to enhance their state legislative efforts. Some of the tools available through the State Legislative Office include:

State Legislative Information Clearinghouse
The State Legislative Office collects, maintains and disseminates information on state legislative/regulatory matters. The State Legislative Office provides information and resources on state legislative and regulatory issues of concern to chapters, including such issues as crowding, liability reform, reimbursement issues, and many more.

Tools for Effective Advocacy - The Physicians’ Guide to State Legislation
The State Legislative Office maintains the Physicians’ Guide to State Legislation which serves as a resource to chapters and members, covering topics that include developing an effective chapter legislative program, establishing a key contact system, working with a lobbyist, understanding PACs and conducting mini-internship programs.

Legislative Record Match
The State Legislative Office provides a quarterly service that matches chapter members to their elected officials at the state and federal level and provides information including the addresses and telephone numbers of the elected officials' offices and their committee assignments.

State Legislative Tracking Service for Chapters
Chapters can access a free service operated through the national ACEP office that helps identify and track state legislation containing keywords related to major issues facing emergency medicine.

Chapter Action Alerts
The State Legislative Office offers an online service designed to assist chapters in issuing state legislative action alerts. The service allows chapter members to easily contact their state legislators regarding key legislative initiatives.  

Public Policy Grants
ACEP provides grants to chapters who are engaging in extraordinary state advocacy efforts related to national priority objectives. Grant requests are reviewed by the State Legislative/Regulatory Committee and the ACEP Board of Directors. Applications for public policy grants are to be sent to the State Legislative Office.

Educational Programs
At the request of chapters, the State Legislative Office can assist in planning and presenting educational programs on state legislative/regulatory matters and can meet with chapter leaders to assist with developing advocacy strategies and to discuss how ACEP can support chapter advocacy efforts on specific issues.

Chapter Leaders and Lobbyists Conference Call
A call is held at the end of each year for chapter leaders and lobbyists to share information and strategies on issues they worked on the previous year and initiatives they are planning for the coming legislative session.

State Legislative/Regulatory Committee
This national ACEP committee assists the ACEP Board of Directors and the membership in monitoring, identifying, prioritizing and addressing state legislative/regulatory issues.

For information on ACEP’s state legislative resources, reach out to Adam Krushinskie at the ACEP State Legislative Office.


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