ACEP Member Interest Groups (MIGs)

Not every special interest group fits neatly into one of ACEP’s 40 Sections.

That’s why we created Member Interest Groups - to help connect you with fellow enthusiasts across a range of topics.

Start a MIG Join a MIG

Any ACEP member in good standing can join a MIG or start one. Our first two MIGs are for physicians exploring clinical retirement and travel enthusiasts. Member Interest Groups are just getting started and a few more are in the works for new parents and online fitness enthusiasts.

To join a Member Interest Group, log in to engagED to view the list of MIGs and click the blue "Join" button.

Wish there were a group on a particular topic? Tell us what you're interested in or apply to start a MIG!

MIGs can be organized:

  • around particular hobbies or interests
  • around particular topics or issues
  • as support for members with shared challenges
  • to undertake projects to help the world around us
  • or for any of several other purposes

Are you a fitness enthusiast? A Bourbon aficionado? An entrepreneur? Find your crew with ACEP’s new MIGs!

Start a MIG  

MIGs can be established by any ACEP member in good standing by completing the Member Interest Group Request Form. The form includes:

  • The title of the proposed MIG
  • A description of the proposed MIG
  • A primary contact name, email address and phone number


MIG vs. Section: What’s the Difference?

Sections have a formal structure and expectations. It takes considerable time and effort to establish a new section, which must be approved by the ACEP Board of Directors. Once established, ACEP sections receive formal funding, must submit regular reports and updates, and are assigned specific Board and staff liaisons to support their efforts. Sections also elect a representative for the ACEP Council, so they have an opportunity to weigh in on College policies and strategy.

Member Interest Groups are more casual. MIGs can be spun up very quickly, and any ACEP member in good standing can join as many interest groups as they want without added cost. It’s even possible that some interest groups which meet requirements and are directly related to the clinical or administrative practice of EM may grow into full-fledged sections over time.

If you’ve thought about joining a section but aren’t sure where to begin, joining one or more of these new interest groups could be a great way to get started.

Ready to Start Your MIG?

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