EMS Week

EMS Week 51st Anniversary

We are excited to share that this year is the 51st anniversary of EMS Week. The anniversary is highlighted on the National EMS Week website, which contains a planning checklist and downloadable logos, tools, and resources designed to help agencies organize, plan, and celebrate EMS Week in their own neighborhoods and communities.

Since 1974, National EMS Week has recognized the important contributions emergency medical services (EMS) professionals make in providing for the health and safety of those in their communities. The week seeks to honor and focus attention on the incredible impact that EMS professionals and physicians make every day.

EMS Week is presented by ACEP in partnership with the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT). Together, we lead annual EMS Week activities and work to ensure that the valuable contributions EMS professionals make every day in caring for the health, safety and well-being of their communities are recognized and celebrated.

EMS Week Themes

Each day of EMS Week has a designated theme to help shape activities and training:

  • Sunday – Health, Wellness, and Resilience Day
  • Monday – Education Day
  • Tuesday – EMS Safety Day
  • Wednesday – EMS for Children Day
  • Thursday – Save-A-Life Day (CPR and Stop the Bleed)
  • Friday – EMS Recognition Day
  • Saturday – EMS Remembrance Day

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