Reaffirmed February 2018, April 2012, October 2006
Originally approved March 2000
The American College of Emergency Physicians believes emergency physicians, as leaders in emergency medical services (EMS), have a pivotal role in the integration of emergency medical services for children (EMSC). Emergency physicians impact the EMS-EMSC continuum in important ways by providing:
- Leadership in the area of injury and illness prevention.
- Leadership in local, regional, and state EMS and EMSC systems by involvement in the provision of medical direction (oversight), education of providers, quality improvement, and legislative advocacy.
- Collaboration with other physicians and health care professionals to enhance the medical home for children, including referral to primary care, specialized care, and rehabilitation services.
- Research in the design and function of EMS systems, education of providers, out-of-hospital and emergency care interventions, and outcomes of emergency care.
- Expertise for and collaborate with the National EMSC Program (Maternal and Child Health Bureau in collaboration with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).