May 23, 2024

New CMS Portal for Reporting of EMTALA Violations

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a new web portal for patients, health care workers or others to file an EMTALA complaint.

The portal is designed to make it easier for anyone to report violations and to ensure full access to emergency care as is required under EMTALA, including for reproductive health issues. 

ACEP continues to emphasize the sanctity of the physician-patient relationship and maintains strong concerns that adding layers of complexity and ambiguity to reproductive health care, especially in an emergency, creates avoidable risk for physicians and patients.

ACEP and other leading medical groups joined an amicus brief in Idaho v. US, in support of the federal government’s assertion that EMTALA supersedes the Idaho state law that criminalizes most abortions.


EMTALA fact sheet  

Emergency Care in a Post-Roe Era

ACEP Urges Supreme Court to Uphold EMTALA

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