Hospitalist and Emergency Procedures One Day Course
The Hospitalist and Emergency Procedures course is a one-day live CME course that is continually updated, comprehensive and includes 4 hours of hands-on ultrasound education. These CME courses will be 100% hands on procedural skills labs. All students will also receive access to an Online CME course that covers all the procedural didactics in 17 online modules that contain all of the live course lectures and procedural videos to be viewed by students anytime and anywhere (including the comfort of your own homes) in advance of the simulation-based training sessions. This course covers the 20 most essential procedures needed to work in the ER, ICU, and hospital wards, including the procedures needed for trauma management in the ER. The one-day CME course is certified for 10 hours AMA PRA Category 1 creditTM. Note: the one-day courses on Saturday and Sunday are identical.
Our CME courses limit the number of students to forty (with students split into four equal groups) to allow ample hands-on instruction and individualized education with the goal that every student develops the knowledge and skills necessary to begin performing these procedures at their respective institutions. Our courses are taught by FIVE instructors to improve the one-on-one hands-on experience for our students. The max student-to-faculty ratio is 8:1, but frequently this ratio is less. Hospital Procedures Consultants courses combine all of the essential information typically covered in an Emergency Procedures Course and a Hospitalist Procedures Course all in a single CME conference.
This Hospital Procedures course and Emergency Procedures course will split the students four groups that rotate between two conference rooms. The students in Room 1 will learn about ultrasound-guided peripheral IV placement, vein cannulation using a vascular block, basic airway management, endotracheal intubation, intermediate airway placement (LMA and King tube placement), stylet-guided intubations, video lar...