Blood Bank Response

All items with an asterisk (*) are required for submission. 

 * Name:    

 * Position:    

 * Pick facility from list below 

Other facility, if not listed above:     


  1.  American Association of Blood Banks documents 
  2.  Disaster response plans for hospital and blood collection centers  
  3.  Laboratory personnel to collect, process, and distribute products 
  4.  Transportation resources, diesel and unleaded fuel, and storage equipment  
  5.  Transfusion supplies 

Which of the above resources, if any, necessitated additional expenditures over those currently planned for your department?

Based on your experience implementing the template, what resources should be added to the "Required Resources" section?

Which of the above resources, if any, caused you the biggest concerns or problems? (Please explain.)

What were the most significant barriers you encountered related to the "Required Resources"?

1. Work with AABB to distribute documents to hospitals and blood collection organizations/facilities.  

 * Indicate your current progress in implementing this action step 


Please provide any additional comments or explanation that will help to explain your progress. 

* How long did it take to implement this step? (If you have not completed this step, estimate how long it will take you to complete implementation.)

Please provide an estimate of the effort — # of people    and # of actual person hours — required to complete this action step   

Please provide an estimate of the cost of implementing this action step.   

What types of additional resources were required to complete this action step?

What would you change about this action step?

What were the most significant barriers you encountered in implementing this action step? 


 2. Identify resources (personnel, equipment, supplies) to meet local needs for collection, processing, distribution, and transfusion of blood products. This effort must include local media to provide consistent messages to the community about blood products, supply, and needs.  

  Indicate your current progress in implementing this action step 


Please provide any additional comments or explanation that will help to explain your progress. 

* How long did it take to implement this step? (If you have not completed this step, estimate how long it will take you to complete implementation.)

Please provide an estimate of the effort — # of people    and # of actual person hours — required to complete this action step   

Please provide an estimate of the cost of implementing this action step.   

What types of additional resources were required to complete this action step?

What would you change about this action step?

What were the most significant barriers you encountered in implementing this action step? 



 3. Work with other organizations and government agencies (local, regional, state, federal) to make sure blood products are considered critical elements of the public health infrastructure in the event of a disaster/emergency.  

 * Indicate your current progress in implementing this action step 


Please provide any additional comments or explanation that will help to explain your progress. 

* How long did it take to implement this step? (If you have not completed this step, estimate how long it will take you to complete implementation.)

Please provide an estimate of the effort — # of people    and # of actual person hours — required to complete this action step   

Please provide an estimate of the cost of implementing this action step.   

What types of additional resources were required to complete this action step?

What would you change about this action step?

What were the most significant barriers you encountered in implementing this action step? 



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