Small Chapter Guide to Hosting an Educational Meeting


This information was prepared for small rural chapters after a teleconference call, and finding out from the chapters what kind of information they needed in order to hold an annual meeting. 

Some of the materials are from the Nonprofit Center website, and we have linked the information to this document.  If you go to the website, there is a lot of valuable information for chapters.

The first section on "How to Plan a Meeting" was taken from the Fundamentals of Chapter Management handbook.

The section on "Small Chapter Sponsorships" was written by the Membership Marketing Department.

The Timeline for ED Winter Conference and the sample conference brochure were provided by Wanda Moranti, Executive Director of ACEP South Dakota.

All chapter grant information is from the Grants and Corporate Relations Department.

We hope this information is helpful to you, and if you have any questions, contact Harry Monroe at

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