Apply to be a Rising Star Speaker at ACEP22!
Are you interested in presenting during the Critical Care Medicine Section Meeting at ACEP's Scientific Assembly in San Francisco in October? Do you have a topic that you think would be timely for other leaders in EM/CCM? If so, submit your nomination to speak at the Rising Stars in EM/CCM session at the ACEP CCM Section meeting.
Nomination: You may nominate yourself or a colleague.
Deadline: TBD – July 2022
Presentations: Three candidates will be selected to present a 15-minute presentation on an EM/CCM topic of their choice.
Submit: To submit a nomination, please prepare:
- a one-paragraph summary of the goals and overview of your presentation.
- a three-four sentence summary of why you are a good candidate to deliver this presentation
- a current resume or CV
Evaluation: Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Relevance and interest to the EM/CCM community.
- Candidate (speakers who are students, residents, fellows, and junior faculty with a commitment to EM/CCM will be prioritized – (being junior is okay)
Speakers will be paired with an EM/CCM Section leader to provide mentorship in development of the presentation.