October 13, 2020

Work Continues for the ACEP Rural EM Task Force

The ACEP Rural Task Force began work earlier this year and includes representatives from ACEP, AAFP, SEMPA, and AAENP that work in rural emergency departments, in addition to other ACEP section members.

The TF has selected 5 objectives to work on:

  1. EM Workforce
  2. EM residency rural experience opportunities
  3. Rural ED equipment and educational needs
  4. Accreditation programs, and incentives and policies that promote rural emergency medicine
  5. Best practice models for rural EM

This task force is planning to complete its work by mid-October and subsequently send a summary, with recommendations, to the ACEP board. We will be sharing the Task Force’s conclusions and recommendations at the REM Section meeting. We are always open to the section’s feedback and suggestions. Please contact Mike Wadman (Rural Task Force Chair) or Steve Jameson (Chair-elect Rural Section) with any questions, comments, or contributions regarding this work.

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