JREM Issue One (PDFs)
- Celebrating the Birth of a Journal
- Dementia and the Rural Emergency Department
- Rural Emergency Medicine and the American College of Emergency Physicians: The Time is Ripe for Enhancing Two-Way Communication
- Evidence Based Medicine and the Rural Emergency Physician
- Malpractice as a Perceived Barrier to Specialist Referral for Physicians Practicing in Rural Emergency Departments
- The Rural Emergency Physician Workforce
- Stigma of Rural Emergency Medicine
- Relative Survivability of Cardiopulmonary Arrest in Rural Emergency Departments Utilizing Telemedicine
JREM Issue Two (PDFs)
- ACEP, Open Wide the Gates
- Defining ”Rural“ - What’s in a Name
- A Descriptive Study of Traumatic Brain Injury Patients and Their Transfer within the State of Alaska
- JREM Rural Spotlight - Idaho
- Submersion Injuries and Drowning in the Rural Emergency Department
- An Introduction to Traumatic Injuries and Environmental Harzards on the Farm: Part 1 Tractors - What the Heck id a PTO?