September 4, 2019

Special Offer for REM Section Members

There are a lot of EM educational resources out there. From FOAM education to proprietary sources - how do you choose where to invest your precious time to receive the most value? Our REM Section Newsletter in the past has featured vetted high-value resources in an effort to be your educational Sherpa guide. I recently had a chance to speak with the editors at EB Medicine, referred to me by our colleague Christopher Carpenter, about some of the unique challenges we face in rural emergency medicine. Formed 20 years ago, the company publishes MEDLINE-indexed journals that distill the latest evidence and then take it to the next level by adding recommendations you can really apply in the ED, wherever you practice.

I was introduced to Emergency Medicine Practice when I shifted from family practice to emergency medicine full time in 2001. I’ve always found this journal to be on point, and, based on my experience in the intervening years I’m even more convinced of Emergency Medicine Practice’s value for those of us in rural settings.

You’re probably already aware of Emergency Medicine Practice if you were listed as an EM Physician in the AMA master database. EM Residents get a free subscription through EMRA. If not, I urge you to check it out. Each monthly issue starts with real clinical scenarios, organized and presented in sequence, from prehospital care to disposition/transfer. There is a broad spectrum of topics, from frequent/routine (influenza, abdominal pain, STDs, low-risk back pain, cannabinoid toxicity, etc.) to infrequent/time-critical emergencies (acute ischemic stroke, penetrating trauma, first-trimester pregnancy emergencies, TBI, etc.). Plus, I learned that a year-long subscription now guarantees coverage of time-sensitive stroke and trauma diagnoses we make in every effort to save life and limb, ensuring we receive the regular doses of specialty CME we need to stay current.

I rely on a few of my favorite parts of Emergency Medicine Practice to help me make quick assessments and solid decisions. The Clinical Pathways are flowcharts to guide your management of a case. For example, the just-published June 2019 issue on assessment of abdominal pain had 3 of these algorithms: for patients < age 50, those > age 50, and for women of childbearing potential. I also liked the 3-page appendix in that same issue, which outlined the pros and cons of diagnostic tools for abdominal pain in 14 various disease entities. It laid out when plain films suffice vs. when ultrasound is indicated, perfect for decision-making in my rural ED.

Big Discount for REM Section members

Now is a good time to see it for yourself. On behalf of ACEP’s Rural EM Section, I negotiated a limited-time discount for first-time subscribers to Emergency Medicine Practice. Click Subscribe Now, and enter the Promotion Code RURAL to get 50% off the regular price of $449. You’ll pay just $224.50 for a 12-month subscription. At that price point, it is a tremendous value and worth signing on for a year.

Thanks to our friends at EB Medicine for supporting our Section.

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