Get Involved with the Ambassador Program
If you are an attending level EM doc and already have strong ties to developing EM internationally, then please share your experience with local and International Emergency Physicians by becoming a US-based Ambassador or a non-US-based Liaison. During your 2-year term you have to maintain your ACEP membership, submit an annual Country Report and attend at least one Ambassador Conference, a full day of group problem-solving and fun networking, held the day before the ACEP Scientific Assembly.
You don’t have to be an attending to get involved. EM Residents are encouraged to apply for the role of “Representative”.
You will need to submit a CV and Letter of Intent including your relevant experience in developing emergency medicine, established international contacts, familiarity with the primary language and culture (if you are not from that country) and a potential conflicts of interest disclosure statement.
To apply, check this page for more details.