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April 21, 2021
Interested in learning how other Geriatric EDs manage order sets?
February 22, 2021
Interested in seeking Geriatric Emergency Department Accreditation and curious as to what education is needed to apply?
Geriatric Experts: Nicole Cimino-Fiallos, MD, FACEP; Cameron Gettel, MD.
The Geriatric EM Section is active with tremendous momentum from the section members involved in daily geriatric emergency patient care.
February 20, 2021
This peer-reviewed edition of J Geriatric Emergency Medicine has been prepared to share the most up-to-date (as of March 18, 2020) information possible regarding emergency treatment of older adults in...
With over 3500 new manuscripts popping up on PubMed every day, emergency physicians confront a significant challenge in keeping abreast of the latest research. Geriatric emergencies are no exception.
July 30, 2020
Numerous health care provider, patient and caregiver resources aimed at improving the care of older adults impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of these resources include: For providers: The Americ...
This year the section will be holding officer elections. With Lauren Southerland, MD FACP becoming the Section Chair this year, available positions include: Chair-Elect: To assume the position of Sect...
December 11, 2019
The following case is based on a true patient encounter: Case: You are working the evening shift in your emergency department (ED). Your next patient, Mr. Stevens, is an 86 year-old male who is brough...
I am so grateful to all our section members for our shared success over the last couple years.
July 3, 2019
The Geriatric Emergency Department Accreditation Program continues to have momentum with 62 GED accredited sites (through June 27, 2019) and more that 185 EDs on the interest list.
Sturdy Memorial Hospital is an independent community hospital whose emergency department (ED) sees almost 50,000 patients a year with an ever-increasing population over the age of 65.
Dr. Paul Herman, a fourth-year resident at Johns Hopkins Department of Emergency Medicine, will be pursuing further training in geriatric emergency medicine (GEM) as part of his Focused Advanced Speci...
The Geriatric EM Section is active and growing with increasing attention and focus by clinicians and healthcare systems in geriatric emergency patient care.
February 6, 2019
The International Federation of Emergency Medicine, of which ACEP was a founding organization, is the body which represents all the national organizations of countries where Emergency Medicine is both...
Dr. Evan Chong: Third year family medicine fellow in care of the elderly, Toronto, Canada.
The Geriatric EM Section is active with budding momentum from the section members involved in daily geriatric emergency patient care.