July 30, 2020
COVID-19 Resources
Numerous health care provider, patient and caregiver resources aimed at improving the care of older adults impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of these resources include:
For providers:
- The American Geriatric Society COVID-19 Information Hub offers tools and resources for health professionals including both a link to the Journal of the American Geriatric Society COVID-19 articles as well as health policy related information. Please visit their website for more information: https://www.americangeriatrics.org/covid19
- Brief19 is another option for near daily review of COVID-19 research and policy updates. Again, although not geriatric specific, another impressive and up-to-date website that certainly does include some geriatric specific information. Please visit their website for more information: https://www.brief19.com/.
- A GEMCAST podcast reviewing why COVID-19 is a geriatric emergency. GEMCAST has outstanding geriatric emergency medicine material in general with a recent focus on COVID-19. Please visit their website for more information: https://gempodcast.com/2020/03/20/covid19-is-a-geriatric-emergency/.
For patients/caregivers:
- The National Council on Aging offers resources for both patients and caregivers to assist food, transportation and finances. Please visit their website for more information: https://www.ncoa.org/ncoa_acf/covid-19-resources-for-older-adults/
- The American Geriatric Society COVID-19 Information Hub offers resources through the Health in Aging Foundation for patients and caregivers alike. Please visit their website for more information: https://www.americangeriatrics.org/covid19
- The Family Caregiver Alliance has a number of tip sheets (available in multiple languages) and resource links for caregivers. These may be of use when discharging patients from the ED. Please visit their website for more information: https://www.caregiver.org/caregiving-and-coronavirus-tips-caregivers.