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April 1, 2019
Implemented during the Clinton administration in 1993, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that guarantees unpaid leave for qualifying employees.
January 1, 2019
It is the season for job hunting for the senior residents and fellow physicians. We may feel as though our senior or fellowship year has just started, but in fact we are quickly nearing the halfway po...
Residency. I’m pretty sure I had a small panic attack the night before my first day of residency.
It’s July 1st of intern year. I quickly hopped in the shower before heading to our EMR training. I realized I had a couple minutes to spare, so I decided to take the 10,000th pregnancy test since we s...
On a warm summer night, while admiring the bright fireworks on the roof, I asked my husband, “What would you do if we got pregnant?” He smiled and said, “It would be fine, we can handle it.” Thirty mi...
This article is not about getting a mentor when you’re in residency training. You already know that you should have one or more, whether they are assigned by your institution or residency program or i...
I am in the first week of my CCU rotation, and I am stuck. Last month when I was working in the department, I would have given fluids and looked up the dosing for pressors.
When it comes to volunteering for professional committees or leadership positions at the state or national level, I often hear physicians say...