

Sreeja M. Natesan, MD, FACEP

Dr. Natesan is the Assistant Program Director at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. She is passionate about clinical teaching and feedback recognized through multiple academic and teaching awards including the prestigious Council of Residency Director (CORD) Emergency Medicine 2014 Junior Faculty Teacher Award, the ACEP 2019 Junior Faculty Teacher award, as well as Duke Emergency Medicine Faculty Teacher of the Year 2014, School of Medicine Professionalism award in 2019, and Distinguished Faculty award in 2016, 2019, and 2021.

She serves as co-chair of the Best Practice Education subcommittee and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Mini-track co-chair for CORD. Dr. Sree also serves as Chief Operation Officer for the Academic Life in Emergency Medicine (ALiEM) Faculty Incubator Program, Editor-in-Chief for ALiEM EMBound Medical Student Newsletter, and Director of the Duke Graduate Medical Education (GME) Medica Education Leadership Track (MELT) Program which is an institutional wide teaching program for residents and fellows.

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