About Us

Mission Statement

The Palliative Medicine section meets emergency clinicians where they are as they deliver person-centered care for patients with serious illness. We strive to advance clinical practice, ignite collaboration, and facilitate scholarship.

Join Now Operational Guidelines

Chair’s Message

Our 2020-2022 section vision is to meet ED-palliative practicioners where they are. Our field is small. We all have found our way into this community and walk similar journeys. We're all being stretched (especially in this pandemic) - personally and professionally. More often than not, we end up re-inventing the same wheel. Let's share lessons and successes to learn openly from one another.

With this vision, the section has formed three Subcommittees - Clinical Skills, Program Development, and Research - to innovate, distill, and disseminate content widely. Across mediums (within ACEP, social media, etc), across institutions, and across organizations; I am grateful to our AAHPM, SAEM, and AAEM colleagues who partner with us in this shared spirit of collaboration.

Our Subcommittees hold monthly/regular workgroup calls. If interested, please let us know.


Section Officers & Staff

Rebecca Goett

Rebecca Goett


Chair & Councillor

Justin Brooten

Justin Brooten



David Wang

David Wang


Immediate Past Chair

Temitope Gafaar

Temitope Gafaar


Secretary/Newsletter Editor

Alison Haddock

Alison Haddock


Board Liaison

Joanna Putman

Joanna Putman

Staff Liaison

Interested in becoming an officer? Contact us.

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