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April 28, 2022 • Medical Humanities Section
“Returning Home From My Shift,” Shar Kennett, MD Visual Arts Award Winner, 2021
“Escape From COVID,” K Kay Moody, MD Visual Arts Award Submission, 2021
“Sfumato Fog,” Peter Paganussi, MD Visual Arts Award Submission, 2021
Section of Medical Humanities 2020-21 Annual Report
July 27, 2021 • Medical Humanities Section
The Section of Medical Humanities is soliciting submissions for its fourteenth annual Writing Awards. Eligible pieces are creative, not scientific, works related to emergency medicine published in pri...
March 30, 2021 • Medical Humanities Section
“The Year of Living Dangerously”: Reflections on a Pandemic by Peter J. Paganussi MD, FACEP
Update from the Section Chair, Seth C. Hawkins MD, FACEP
Photo by Nick Sausen, MD
Pothole or Portal by Jay Kaplan, MD, FACEP
Transference, Countertransference by Edward Lew, MD, FACEP
Self Portrait of a Physician in PPE by Maria Escarcia, DO
A poem by Elizabeth Mitchell MD, FACEP
Reflection by Morgan Sweere Treece
Summary of section activities for 2019-2020
Minutes from the October 7, 2020 Section of Medical Humanities meeting.
February 11, 2021
Host of 'ACEP Frontline' Dr. Ryan Stanton and Dr. Jay Baruch discuss medical humanities, its focus and goals in emergency medicine, and the role of a physician as an educator. Released on January 16, ...
With the support of an ACEP section grant, the Medical Humanities Section aspired to create a space for issues common to our practice that might keep us up at night, that we mention in passing to our ...
December 19, 2019
Two newsletters were produced and posted online to section members in winter 2018 and winter 2019. The next newsletter is planned for December 2019.
“Sir, buy me a gingeale!” someone shouts as I turn left and lean against the cold to turn onto Jesse Hill Dr. at 4:45am. The statement is such a sudden cut through the meditation of pedaling that I co...
I’m delighted to have the opportunity to help steer the Section over the next two years and would like to express the heartfelt appreciation I know we all share to Bob Solomon for his leadership from ...
Well, well, well, we are all nearing another lap around the sun as it were as we move from 2019 to 2020.
January 10, 2019
October 3, 2018 San Diego, CA Participating in all or part of the meeting were: Cindy C. Bitter, MD, FACEP; Henry A. Curtis, MD, FACEP; Arthur Derse, MD, JD, FACEP; Matthew Dettmer, MD; J. Shane Hardi...
Two newsletters were produced and posted online to section members in spring and summer 2017. The next newsletter is planned for winter 2018.
‘Betty Luna’ was a frequent flier at all of our local ERs for years. Everyone was on a first name basis with her. To look at her, Betty was truly disgusting.
Hopeless eyes and crying fear Moving from room to room… life to life… Only briefly touching a part: the body. Futile bandage on ailing bodies, Finger in the dam of years of abuse; But somehow missing ...