This Month’s Member Spotlight!
Dr. Linden is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center, and the Vice Chair for education in the Department of Emergency Medicine. She has made significant contributions to the field of Forensic EM including her New England Journal of Medicine Article “Care of the Adult Patient After Sexual Assault” and has also authored chapters on the topic of sexual assault for authoritative texts such as Rosen’s Emergency Medicine and Giardino et al, Sexual Assault: Victimization Across the Lifespan; A Clinical Guide and Color Atlas. Two of her articles were selected for ABEM LLSA readings. She is a prolific lecturer, and active in education and teaching and has developed a multidisciplinary simulation training for the care of Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence survivors.
Where did you train and where do you currently practice?
I trained at the combined George Washington and Georgetown University Residency Program, and have been practicing at Boston Medical Center since I graduated (yes -when I find something great, I stick with it - no need for change!)
How did you become involved with forensic emergency medicine?
When I started at Boston Medical Center, Massachusetts had just started a SANE program - as the associate program director, I was concerned that my residents would not get training in how to perform a SANE exam, or care for the sexual assault survivor. I took the course and became SANE-certified so I could pass on the most up-to-date information, and make sure all my residents were proficient in taking care of and examining the sexual assault survivor in the ED.
Who inspires you?
My residents and colleagues continually inspire me with their passion and dedication to learning and caring for our vulnerable patient population. My daughter inspires me by accomplishing way more at a younger age (she
is a high school senior) then I ever did at that age.
What book are you reading now?
I am reading all my kids’ summer reading books - and really enjoying them! I am currently reading “All the Light I Cannot See” which is historical novel about two characters during the Second World War- one a blind French girl and one a German soldier.
Dream vacation?
Somewhere remote and tropical with a lot of hiking, swimming, snorkeling and an overwater hut with a glass floor.
Favorite food?
Truffle macaroni and cheese (or pretty much anything with truffle oil).
What do you like on your pizza?
Mushrooms and truffle oil.
Favorite TV show?
I don’t really watch TV. When I do watch with the family, its America’s Got Talent, The Voice, or sometimes Ninja Warriors.
Favorite Movie?
The Zookeeper’s Wife. I love stories about ordinary people who become extraordinary through their acts of courage and kindness.
Pet peeve?
Procrastination (although I sometimes find myself doing this as well!).
What is something interesting about you that is totally unrelated to medicine?
I also own (along with my husband) three Ben and Jerry Ice Cream Shops and two ice cream trucks that have horns that “MOOOOO.” Sometimes I moonlight as a scooper or caterer.
What would you like to get out of your membership in the forensic section?
I like to network with colleagues who have similar interests, and work on collaborative projects. We have an incredible group of talented members.
Judith A. Linden, MD FACEP