Pediatric Ultrasound

Lindsey Chaudoin, MD - Chair

Matthew Moake, MD, PhD - Chair-elect

Rahul Shah, MD - Peds Subsection Editor

Goal for the Year

Expand awareness of free, easily accessible pediatric ultrasound resources to the larger field of emergency medicine.


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Free ACEP Created Resources

The ACEP Emergency Ultrasound Section Pediatric Subcommittee is working to create free resources for our members who are interested in expanding their pediatric POCUS skillset. Included here you can find pediatric-specific pocket reference cards for high-yield pediatric POCUS topics along with a collation of the pediatric section’s quarterly newsletter articles, which include a number of more in-depth discussions of pediatric POCUS topics.

Pediatric Pocket Reference Cards

EUS Pediatric Subcommittee Newsletter Articles

May 2024 Update

Growth of PEM POCUS Online Collaboratives & Resources

Free Resources from Our Colleagues

The ACEP Emergency Ultrasound Section Pediatric Subcommittee is continually working to identify resources that are freely available to those looking to expand their pediatric POCUS skill set. All resources here are either freely available online or are shared with permission by their contributors and may be downloaded and shared with appropriate credit to their original creator.

External Pediatric POCUS Resources

A living document where we continually update a list of high-yield external resources for PEM POCUS, including a description of the resources provided. A couple of these resources with brief description are highlighted below:

The P2Network

An array of pediatric POCUS resources including Core Content Education videos, which cover core content targeted to PEM trainees, a Meet the Expert series, which covers insights on POCUS applications from published investigators, and an archive of prior PEPEC (Pediatric Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound Educational Collaborative) presentations, where experts virtually present clinical cases, new applications, and educational strategies in an informal and interactive format. Instructions on how to join live PEPEC presentations are also provided.

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Point-of-Care Ultrasound at SickKids (P2SK)

A repository of free pediatric POCUS resources including the P2Share Curriculum, a large library of organized YouTube® lecture content (including some lectures in French and Hebrew), key POCUS policy literature, and information on how to join their weekly virtual educational rounds that feature a POCUS lecture by SickKids faculty, POCUS fellows, and invited outside speakers as well as a weekly journal club.

Ultrasound G.E.L (Gathering Evidence from the Literature) Jr.

A podcast that reviews recent POCUS literature in a straightforward format, including a comprehensive discussion, summary infographic, take-home points, and an expert review assessing the article’s overall strength and likelihood to change clinical practice.

POCUS Atlas Jr.

A free, open-access archive of pediatric POCUS images, including clips and images of common pediatric pathology and normal sonoanatomy, that can be downloaded for free and used for educational purposes.



PEM POCUS Curriculum Toolbox

The ACEP Emergency Ultrasound Section Pediatric Subcommittee has developed a PEM POCUS Curriculum Toolkit. This toolkit features sample curricula, tools, literature and much more. 

See Toolbox


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