Calling All Dual Training Section Members
Are you a combined EMFM, EMIM, EMIMCC attending or resident and want to be more involved in the dual section for ACEP? If so, consider applying for the position of chair-elect, secretary/newsletter editor or alternate councillor, as these are all open positions this year! Positions are for a two-year term.
The first notice for nominations (including self-nominations) went out this week. If interested, just email a short, one-page max, statement to Julie Wassom by Monday, August 15.
Ballots will be sent to all section members on Thursday, September 8. New section leaders will be announced at ACEP22 in San Francisco during our in-person meeting on Sunday, October 2, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. We hope to see you there!
Brief description of open positions:
Chair-Elect: assist the chair in section duties, will serve as chair in the chair's absence. This is a two-year term, which will be followed by a two-year term as chair.
Secretary/Newsletter Editor: take minutes at the annual meeting and distribute to the section, give notice of meetings to the section, gather and edit news articles for the section website.
Alternate Councilor: represent the section to the ACEP Council, will become the Councillor at the end of their two-year term.
Please see the Dual Training Section Operational Guidelines for a full descriptions of the roles.