July 28, 2023

Who is an Emergency Physician

Emergency physicians care for you anywhere, at any time—you never need an appointment.

Open 24 hours a day, the emergency department is the foundation of America’s health care safety net. Anyone who visits will be treated, receiving the best possible care, regardless of who they are or their ability to pay.

Emergency physicians are there for us in the most frightening moments of our lives, and they have the unique training to identify subtle symptoms that could be the difference between life and death. Every physician receives eleven or more years of formal education, and they're the only member of your care team that completes a medical residency, working hands-on with real people to learn to manage and treat any illness, any injury, any unexpected complication. It's their extensive training, quick thinking and smart decisions that save millions of lives each year.

The American College of Emergency Physicians advances emergency care on behalf of its 40,000 emergency physician members, working to make sure our health system works for them and the more than 150 million Americans they treat each year.

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