September 20, 2019

Disaster Task Force Update

A Disaster Task Force member researched and wrote two disaster-related resolutions that were approved by the Telehealth Disaster Task Force and the Telehealth Section Leadership.  Even though there was a representative from a member of the Disaster Section on Disaster Task Force calls, our section chair and leadership felt it would make sense to approach the Disaster Section to get its members’ input and support regarding the resolutions before officially submitting either resolution to ACEP for Council consideration. 

The Disaster Section has invited our Chair, Dr. Etch Shaheen, to come speak and present the resolutions to its members at their annual meeting in Denver during ACEP 2019.  Out of courtesy and respect to the Disaster Section, it was determined to not submit the proposals at this year’s Council and wait until our task force and section had the opportunity to speak with and work with the Disaster Section members in hopes of jointly authoring/presenting the resolution(s).

Next steps include working on tips for dealing with disasters using telehealth for first responders as there are no current guidelines. Anyone interested in working on this project, please reach out to Aditi Joshi or attend our phone meetings held monthly.

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