July 22, 2020

Interested in Taking on a Leadership Role in QIPS

Each year we elect officers that lead the QIPS Section business and activities throughout the year. The election takes place during our annual section meeting. In preparation for this, we want to remind people what the positions are and the nominations will be opened in early fall.

Officers serve a term of one-year and attend monthly meetings to help guide the section. Officers cannot serve more than 2 consecutive terms for the same position.

Anticipated Open officer positions are:


The Chair-Elect assists the Chair in his/her duties for the Section as designated by the Chair. The Chair-Elect participates in leadership discussions of the section, and under the direction of the Chair, assists in the creation and execution of section projects and initiatives.  The Chair-Elect serves a 2-year term with the 2nd year serving as Chair of the section. The Chair-Elect year is therefore also used to craft a vision and agenda to be implemented upon serving as Chair during the 2nd year. The Chair-Elect may serve as Chair earlier in the event of resignation or incapacitation of the current Chair.

Newsletter Editor

The QIPS Newsletter Editor solicits content for our section newsletter from our membership and leadership. They work to publish up to four newsletters per year and work closely with the website editor to archive the editions. This is a key position for communicating QIPS activities with the membership.

Website/Social Media Editor

The Website/Social Media Editor proposes changes to the QIPS website to ensure content is up-to-date and relevant to members. They manage communications made through social media platforms that QIPS is present on to convey updates and activities the section is pursuing.


A councillor/alternate councillor is a key participant in the leadership and development of QIPS/ACEP policy. The councillors represents emergency physicians from the QIPS section and have the responsibility to voice the concerns of the QIPS section on the floor of the council meeting and in reference committees. Councillors can also express the will of their constituents by the execution of their votes for or against resolutions and electing board members and Council officers at the annual meeting.

An alternate councillor may assume the duties of a councillor when so directed by the constituent delegation, with proper credentials.

To help them prepare for the meeting, QIPS suggests that new councillors attend all section meetings/conference calls throughout the year, as well as prepare a special briefing to review Council resolutions and ACEP candidates for office. Councillors/alternate councillors report to the speaker and vice speaker of the Council, and to QIPS section leadership.