March 12, 2024

Emergency Medicine Update: Italy

Watch this International EM Section Virtual Ambassador Conference webinar covering emergency medicine in Italy. Dr. Giovanni Ricevuti, Dr. Stefano Paglia and Dr. Franco Lai present.

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- Thank you very much for this opportunity and happy to stay with you. Now, we will focus... Next slide. We will focus only on a few topics for time. Yes, and three bullet points. One is about emergency medicine specialty schools in Italy. We started in Italy in 2009 and now we have a lot of prepared students, residents, and we sent some residents last year to Ukraine to teach management of emergency. Second is fight against COVID infection in the emergency department, and international guidelines made by our doctors. Third bullet is education in emergency medicine. Emergency Department Director's Conference as we build in Italy to solve problems and standardize actions. International collaboration in Geriatric Emergency Medicine with ACEP, EUSEM, EUGMS and Global Network on Emergency Medicine with Professor Bellou, past president of the European Society. Next slide. We present at this moment some positive and negative aspects about emergency medicine in Italy. Together with Stefano Paglia from SIMEU and director of the Emergency Department of Lodi, where the first Italian COVID patients was diagnosed. And he is the author of the Italian International Guidelines to fight COVID Emergency Department. And Franco Lai, an Emergency Department from Prato and coordinator of IEMIG, a network website for education for doctors, nurses, residents, and students in emergency medicine. Next slide. This year, many scholarships in the emergency schools have not been covered for several problems. Salary, too much work, problems in deductive organization, problems in organization in emergency department, lack of criminal shield. 4,200 doctors are lacking emergency medicine beds are lacking in Italy at this moment, too many old people in emergency department. And we need to organize community medicine, new service in community medicine and also geriatric emergency department and teach geriatric emergency medicine and teach to work in team with the emergency clinical pharmacist like in USA and exchange. We needed to exchange students with USA. Please, Stefano.

- Thank you. Next, please. What did we learn in this experience? Next, please. Lodi and Codogno was the first affected in Lombardy and also in Italy and also in Europe. And everything changed sooner than elsewhere. Next, please. The change is strong, is bigger, the first time for us, and for all the world. Next, please. Next, and this incredible, hard work is very strong. And we see for the first time this new behavior. We try to organize everything and share information. We talk about risk stratification of pneumonia using lung ultrasound. The strategy of convert to hospital bed for COVID-19. Also the impact of logistics strategy in the First Line Hospital. The quick walk test and the telemedicine program for non-critical COVID-19 patients. Next, please. We try also with our societies, Italian Society of Emergency Medicine to manage the guideline for organizational management for use of resources, emergency ultrasound and oxygen, high-flow nasal cannula and also with CPAP. Next, please. And now four years after the worst. We try to understand what was really important, what made the difference. And the next, and is incredible but we understand. Next, please. But if we estimate the district-specific random effort of mortality, it doesn't matter if someone did better than others. This made no difference. Next. The most important thing we learned, we already knew for a long, long time. Next. Next is this one. The greatest victory is that which requires no battle. Next, please. Be prepared, keep watch, and contain and don't let it spread is our takeaway message. Next. Thank you.

- Next up.

- Thank you, Giovanni.

- Next slide. Franco. Franco?

- [Giovanni] Okay.

- Dear, colleagues. I'm honored to speak about the Italian Emergency Medicine Interest Group, a non-profit organization founded by an experience in emergency physician with 1,719 members aiming to operate in YouTube channel providing 60 videos lectures on various emergency topics, benefiting professionals and students alike, collaborating with the prestigious universities both locally and internationally, and it foster scientific research and education exemplified by Valentin E. Wohlauer Award, recognizing excellence in emergency medicine thesis. Moreover, IEMIG commitment stands our community outreach, providing basic life support training in schools to make Prato to a cardio-protected city. Our motto, study hard for saving lives, reflects our commitment and educational lifesaving efforts. Thank you.

- Thank you very much for your attention and for your support. And thank you to Lexi for our friendly supporter to our activity.

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