2018-2019 Annual Report
Officers for 2018-2019:
Robert C. Solomon, MD, FACEP
Immediate Past Chair
Jay M. Baruch, MD, FACEP
Peter J. Paganussi, MD, FACEP
Newsletter Editor
Peter J. Paganussi, MD, FACEP
Seth C. Hawkins, MD, FACEP
Alternate Councillor(s)
David P. Sklar, MD, FACEP
Robert C. Solomon, MD, FACEP
Board Liaison
Rebecca B. Parker, MD, FACEP
Two newsletters were produced and posted online to section members in winter 2018 and winter 2019. The next newsletter is planned for December 2019.
Facebook page
A section Facebook page was created in March 2014. Several section members and the section liaison are page managers, posting written articles and art and music pieces by section members as well as general announcements pertaining to the medical humanities. A Twitter account was created in November 2015 to increase the section’s social media presence.
Seth C. Hawkins, MD, FACEP was elected as chair for the next 2 years. Zayir Malik, MD, was elected as councillor. Robert C. Solomon, MD, FACEP is the new alternate councillor.
ACEP 19 Meeting Summary
The thirteenth annual Writing Award - Prose was given this year; next year’s award process will begin in June 2020. The seventh Visual Arts Award was given this year; next year’s award process will begin in June 2020. The second Writing Award – Poetry was given this year; next year’s award process will begin in June 2020.
Section Grants
The section was awarded a grant in June 2018 to create an electronic book of the past Writing and Visual Arts Award winners, entitled “Emergency Medicine Narratives: Emergency Medical Humanities Collection.” Dr. Hawkins is spearheading this project and is it nearing completion. We expect to publish in winter 2019 or spring 2020
2019-2020 Activities as Related to Section Objectives
The section plans to pursue various projects including increasing membership, soliciting submissions for the annual Writing Award and Visual Arts Award, and expanding the Facebook page and other forms of social media to widen our visibility and encourage more people to join the section. We will continue to promote and update the Humanities at the Bedside Web resource as well as the new medical humanities collection book. We also plan to launch an initiative exploring practical ways the medical humanities are relevant for clinical care and emergency medicine leadership.
Two newsletters were produced and posted online to section members in winter 2018 and winter 2019. The next newsletter is planned for December 2019.
Facebook page
A section Facebook page was created in March 2014. Several section members and the section liaison are page managers, posting written articles and art and music pieces by section members as well as general announcements pertaining to the medical humanities. A Twitter account was created in November 2015 to increase the section’s social media presence.
Seth C. Hawkins, MD, FACEP was elected as chair for the next 2 years. Zayir Malik, MD, was elected as councillor. Robert C. Solomon, MD, FACEP is the new alternate councillor.
ACEP 19 Meeting Summary
The thirteenth annual Writing Award - Prose was given this year; next year’s award process will begin in June 2020. The seventh Visual Arts Award was given this year; next year’s award process will begin in June 2020. The second Writing Award – Poetry was given this year; next year’s award process will begin in June 2020.
Section Grants
The section was awarded a grant in June 2018 to create an electronic book of the past Writing and Visual Arts Award winners, entitled “Emergency Medicine Narratives: Emergency Medical Humanities Collection.” Dr. Hawkins is spearheading this project and is it nearing completion. We expect to publish in winter 2019 or spring 2020
2019-2020 Activities as Related to Section Objectives
The section plans to pursue various projects including increasing membership, soliciting submissions for the annual Writing Award and Visual Arts Award, and expanding the Facebook page and other forms of social media to widen our visibility and encourage more people to join the section. We will continue to promote and update the Humanities at the Bedside Web resource as well as the new medical humanities collection book. We also plan to launch an initiative exploring practical ways the medical humanities are relevant for clinical care and emergency medicine leadership.