Section Officer Elections
This year we are holding elections for section officers at our meeting. We encourage you to nominate yourself or someone else for a leadership position. You do not need to be present at the meeting to be considered for an officer position. Below are the descriptions of each office. Please submit nominations to Mari Houlihan.
Here are the Officers Descriptions from our section operational guidelines that outline the duties of each officer.
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary/Newsletter
- Councillor
- Alternate Councillor
We appreciate your willingness to serve our section!
The officers of the section shall be at a minimum the chair or two co-chairs, the vice chair, the immediate past-chair or past co-chair(s), secretary, newsletter editor, councillor, and alternate councillor(s). The officers shall be members of the section and serve for a term of two years. Following the chair or two co- chair’s term of two years, there will be an additional two-year term designated as immediate past-chair or past co-chair(s). Officers may not serve more than two consecutive terms in any one position. There is no lifetime limit to the total number of terms a section member may serve in any or all positions.
7.1 Duties of the chair or co-chair(s) of the section:
7.1.1 May be appointed by the College president to serve as a voting member(s) of a related College committee if one exists.
7.1.2 May attend ACEP Board of Directors meetings at his/her own expense.
7.1.3 From time-to-time, section leaders may be asked by the President to attend the Board meetings of other entities. In this case, their expenses will be paid by the College.
7.1.4 Shall keep the Board of Directors and executive director informed of section activities by giving copies of correspondence, agenda, minutes of meetings, and the like, to the Board liaison and the ACEP section staff liaison.
7.1.5 Shall submit an annual report to the College president, the executive director, and the Board of Directors which shall consist of a summary of the section’s achievements, and activities of the past year, as well as a thorough analysis of where they fell short of their goals and the reasons why. The report will also state the goals and objectives of the section for the coming year and will disclose any anticipated fiscal developments.
7.1.6 Shall serve as an officer(s) of the section. In the event that there are two co-chairs and one is unable to fulfill their duties, the other co-chair will function as the chair until either their term is up, or the other co-chair becomes able to resume their duties as a co- chair.
7.1.7 The chair or one or both of the co-chairs shall preside at all section meetings. If the chair or both co-chairs are absent the vice chair will assume the functions of the chair or co-chairs.
7.1.8 Shall appoint chairs, co-chairs, and members to any ad hoc, special, or standing committees, work groups, or task forces of the section to carry out section activities.
7.1.9 Shall have the privilege of recommending to the College president the appointment of section members to committees of the College, or section members who could properly represent the interests of the College to external organizations.
7.1.10 Shall be an ex officio member(s) of all ad hoc, special or standing committees, work groups or task forces of the section with the exception noted in 7.1.12.
7.1.11 Shall review all section grant proposals developed by their section members. Those developed section grant proposals that are determined to be appropriate for submission are then signed and submitted to the appropriate committee or task force assigned to manage the section grant program.
7.1.12 Shall be voting member(s) of the executive and steering committees.
7.2 Duties of the vice chair:
7.2.1 Shall serve as an officer of the section.
7.2.2 Shall assist the chair or co-chair(s) in section duties as designated by the chair or co- chair(s).
7.2.3 Shall serve as chair in the absence, resignation, or death of the chair or both co-chair(s).
7.2.4 Shall be a voting member of the executive and steering committees.
7.3 Duties of the immediate past-chair or past co-chair(s):
7.3.1 Shall serve as an officer(s) of the section.
7.3.2 Shall serve as chair or co-chair(s) of the Section Nominating Committee.
7.3.3 Shall assist the chair or co-chair(s) in section duties as designated by the chair or co- chair(s).
7.3.4 Shall be a voting member of the nominating, executive, and steering committees.
7.4 Duties of the secretary:
7.4.1 Shall take the minutes of the annual section general membership meeting and submit them to the executive committee, the Board liaison, and the ACEP section staff liaison for their approval and subsequent distribution to members.
7.4.2 Shall provide the Board of Directors with the names of the elected section officers.
7.4.3 Shall assist the section chair or co-chair(s) in their preparation for the annual section general membership meeting and the chair or co-chair’s of other committees of the section, as requested.
7.4.4 Shall distribute to the membership via the section newsletter, web page or other accepted electronic means. The minutes of all annual general membership meetings, all executive or steering committee meetings whether held in person, by internet, or conference call, all other official section meetings. The section annual report which is submitted to the College president, the executive director, and the Board. Such information as shall from time to time be of interest to members of the section.
7.4.5 Shall notify members regarding their appointment to any committees of the section and shall send copies of such notification to the executive director of the College via the ACEP section staff liaison.
7.4.6 Shall give due notice of all the general membership meetings of the section and meetings of the executive and steering committees to the section membership and the Board of Directors of the College via the ACEP section staff liaison and the Board liaison.
7.4.7 Shall carry out such other duties as are assigned by the chair or co-chairs of the section and the Board of Directors of the College.
7.4.8 Shall serve as an officer of the section and a voting member of the executive and steering committees.
7.5 Duties of the newsletter editor:
7.5.1 Shall coordinate the activities necessary to produce two to four newsletters a year. This shall be an elected position.
7.5.2 Shall present the final draft of each newsletter to the section executive committee and the Board liaison. They must give their approval prior to submitting it to the ACEP section staff liaison for formatting and distribution.
7.5.3 Shall have the authority to create and fill positions which they believe are necessary to fulfill their duties. These will be disclosed to the executive committee for their final approval.
7.5.4 Shall be a voting member of the steering committee.
7.6 Duties of the webmaster:
7.6.1 Shall be the liaison designated by the section leadership to work with ACEP staff and information technology products and/or services when the implementation of section objectives can best be achieved through multimedia interfaces.
7.6.2 Shall be responsible for presenting plans to, and initiating discussions with, the executive committee to help them further the goals of the section by utilizing the most effective communication and education technology available.
7.6.3 Shall be appointed to this position yearly by the executive committee. There is no limit, either consecutively or lifetime, to the number of terms a member may serve in this position.
7.6.4 Shall have the authority to create and fill positions which they believe are necessary to fulfill their duties. These will be disclosed to the executive committee for their final approval.
7.6.5 Shall be a voting member of the steering committee.
8 Councilor
8.1 The section shall elect a councillor and alternate councillor(s) to represent the section to the Council of the College (Council). Elections will be held at the annual section general membership meeting. Term of office is two years, with the alternate councillor(s) becoming the councillor at the end of his/her two-year term. If he/she cannot serve as councillor, the section shall elect a member to fill both positions and resume the normal progression from alternate councillor(s) to councillor. If there is more than one alternate councillor who wishes to transition into the councillor position, then a section vote will be held during the annual elections to determine who shall do so. The office of councillor and alternate councillor(s) may be held individually for no more than two consecutive terms. There is no limit to the number of terms a member may serve in either of these positions during their lifetime.
8.2 Duties of the councillor and alternate councillor(s):
8.2.1 Shall represent the section at all Council meetings.
8.2.2 Shall have duties, obligations, and privileges as designated by the Bylaws and procedures adopted by the Council.
8.2.3 Shall keep the section informed of all pertinent Council activities before, during, and between Council sessions and shall report these matters to the section via its newsletter, web page, or other accepted electronic means.
8.2.4 Shall bring any resolutions that are developed by the section to the Council.
8.2.5 Shall serve as officers of the section.
8.2.6 Shall be voting members of the steering committee.