September 20, 2021

EM Workforce Officer Nominations

It is time to nominate new officers for the October 2021 through October 2023 terms. Nominees must be current ACEP members and EM Workforce Section Members. Open positions are Chair*, Chair-elect, Secretary, Section Editor.

Please send your nominations to Mary Smith, Staff Liaison, at by September 20, 2021. We will also take nominations from the floor during the annual meeting. Elections will take place during the Virtual Annual Section meeting on September 23, 2021, 12:00 - 2:00 pm Central.

Job descriptions for open positions are below:

7.1       Duties of the chair of the section:

7.1.1     May be appointed by the College president to serve as a voting member of a related College committee if one exists.

7.1.2     May attend ACEP Board of Directors meetings at his/her own expense.

7.1.3     From time-to-time, section leaders may be asked by the President to attend the Board meetings of other entities. In this case, their expenses will be paid by the College.

7.1.4     Shall keep the Board of Directors and executive director informed of section activities via copies of correspondence, agenda, minutes of meetings, etc.

7.1.5     Shall submit an annual report to the College president and executive director, which consists of a list of achievements and activities of the past year and goals and objectives for the coming year.

7.1.6     Shall submit to the Board of Directors an informational summary of all section plans, goals, objectives, budgets, and meetings. 7.1.7 Shall preside at the annual meeting of the section and at any other meetings of the section. If absent, the chair-elect will assume the functions of the chair.

7.1.8     Shall appoint chairperson and members to any standing and special committees of the section to carry out section activities.

7.1.9     Shall have the privilege of recommending to the President the appointment of section members to committees of the College or section members representing the interests of the College with external organizations.

7.1.10   Shall be an ex officio member of all standing and special committees of the section.

7.1.11   Shall review all Section Grant proposals developed by their section members. Those developed section grant proposals that are determined to be appropriate for submission are then signed and submitted to the appropriate committee or task force assigned to manage the Section Grant Program.


 7.2       Duties of the chair-elect:

7.2.1     Shall serve as an officer of the section.

7.2.2     Shall assist the chair in section duties as designated by the chair.

7.2.3     Shall serve as chair in the absence, resignation, or death of the chair.


7.4       Duties of the secretary:

7.4.1     Shall take the minutes of the annual meeting of the section and submit to the appropriate section communication vehicle.

7.4.2     Shall provide the Board of Directors the names of the elected section officers.

7.4.3     Shall assist the section chair in the preparation of an annual meeting and the chair of other committees of the section, as requested.

7.4.4     Shall distribute to the membership via the section newsletter or other communications vehicle: The minutes of the annual meeting of the section. Such information as shall from time to time be of interest to members of the section.

7.4.5     Shall notify members regarding their appointment to any committees of the section and shall send copies of such notification to the executive director of the College.

7.4.6 Shall give due notice of all meetings of the section and the Section Executive Committee to the membership of the section and the Board of Directors of the College.

7.4.7     Shall carry out such other duties as are assigned by the chair of the section and the Board of Directors of the College.


7.5 Duties of the section editor

The section editor shall produce a section newsletter quarterly and assist with the production of section communications and website.


* We had a unique situation this year, where our chair-elect had to step down, so we will also need to elect a Chair. Debbie Fletcher, Newsletter Editor, graciously stepped up to handle the Chair-Elect duties in the interim this year. She has been nominated for by the section's current chair, Thom Mitchell.