Chair's Letter
Michael Gottlieb, MD, FACEP
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Director, Emergency Ultrasound Division
Program Director, Clinical Ultrasound Fellowship
Department of Emergency Medicine
Rush University Medical Center
This is an exciting time of year. Our new students, residents, and fellows have joined our programs, excited to expand their ultrasound knowledge and to experience that spark that drew us all to the field. The ACEP23 Scientific Assembly is also only a few months away – an opportunity for us all to get together, reconnect, share stories, laughs, ideas, and develop future projects and collaborations. At the same time, our former residents and fellows are out sharing the knowledge they’ve gained with other programs (or helping teach the new learners at our programs).
With that in mind, we have a new issue of the ACEP EUS Newsletter which is packed with updates, insights, pearls, and pitfalls. To lead this off, Dr. Gaspari provides an update on EUFAC, ultrasound certification, and accreditation. Then, we have not one, not two, but three Sono Hot Seats this issue. Dr. Herbst and program director for the two-time SonoGames champions discusses strategies to build a dream team. Next, Dr. Adhikari, the research legend, shares his pearls and pitfalls for POCUS research. Then, Dr. Nelson discusses giving a killer talk, leading a systemwide program, and POCUS career planning.
Additionally, the Maimonides Ultrasound Crew describes their epic BlockCamp. The ACEP/SAEM Probing the Literature team discusses their innovative national ultrasound journal club (check out the recordings). Drs. Rhodes, Estrella, and Lin summarize common POCUS coding and billing modifiers. Drs. Alerhand and Liu write a self-reflective letter to rising ultrasound fellows (a great read for rising fellows and seasoned educators alike). Last but certainly not least, Drs. Schmidt and Dreyfuss provide updates on the Global POCUS subcommittee (make sure to check out their new toolkit!), while Drs. Rosario and Rohra update us on all the new simulation resources for POCUS (cases, simulators, 3D printing, and more).
Thanks for reading!
Make plans to join us for the Emergency Ultrasound Section Meeting at ACEP23 in Philadelphia! Wednesday, October 11 from 2:30 – 5:00 pm in the Pennsylvania Convention Center