Editor's Note: The Newsletter is dead! Long live the Newsletter!
The biggest news in reimbursement is, of course, the coming penalties for MVP underperformance. But here at EDMI, we are transitioning from delivering a Newsletter a few times a year to bringing you news you can use as soon as it becomes available. Be certain to stay tuned as we get you information closer to real-time.
Meanwhile, this final Newsletter has some vital content regarding the EDMI and reimbursement.
Jeffery Davis and Erin Grossman give a breakdown of the coming transition from MIPS to MVP, with the pros and cons you can look forward to and how the EDMI will help you avoid penalties.
Dr. James Augustine shows how leveraging ED data can help EDMI customers understand the macro trends in Emergency Medicine.
Dhruv Sharma discusses how the EDMI analyzes the data to get you valuable insight hidden in the mountain of information.
Dr. Aarti Gupta walks us through the nuances of the Pulmonary Embolism metric and shows how our integrated systems can help do all the heavy lifting for you.
And incoming chair Dr. Donald Lum wraps it up with a message looking back at the history of CEDR and looking forward to the changes 2023 will bring.
It has been tumultuous, but with our new platform, we hope to continue to serve your reimbursement and data needs.

Greg Neyman, MD