Enjoy These Free MP3 downloads from ACEP17.
And please celebrate 50 Years of Emergency Medicine with us this year.
In 2018, ACEP will honor the titans of emergency medicine. We'll recognize the mavericks who practice each day with tenacity, excellence and the highest regard for their patients. And we'll highlight the pioneers who will lead us in the next era of practice.
Myocardial Ischemia and Mimics: ECG Cases
Faculty: Amal Mattu, MD, FACEP
One of the first priorities in ECG analysis is to look for patterns of injury. Myocardial ischemia can be subtle on an ECG and can be mimicked by several pathological processes. The speaker will focus on a diagnostic approach to the recognition of myocardial ischemia. Differentiation from other diseases and normal variants also will be reviewed. By the time you are finished, you won’t be fooled by mimickers of ischemia, and recognition of acute coronary syndromes on ECG will be second nature.
Big Hurts, Small People: Pain Management of the Pediatric Trauma Patients
Faculty: Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD, FACEP
Effective pain management for the pediatric trauma patient is often perceived as challenging and even dangerous. The speaker will explain why it is not only possible to effectively and safely control pain in the patients, but also why it is essential for both acute and long-term outcomes.