Infectious Disease

Vector Borne Disease Resources for the Emergency Physician

<p>Dr. Sandy Schneider and Dr. Carolyn Gould of the CDC will discuss the vector borne disease resources that are available to help emergency physicians care for their patients with VBD.</p> <p><em>"Th...

Measles: Cough, Coryza, Conjunctivitis...Crud!

Clinical Alert: Ebola

Help with Monkeypox Visualization

Emergency Physician Involvement, Utilization, and Compensation During a Pandemic

National Pandemic Readiness: Ethical Issues

Characteristics of COVID-19 Variants and Mutants

Healthcare Resources for Suspected Ebola Cases

Vaccinations and Prevention

Community-Acquired Pneumonia

Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Health Care Personnel During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Quick Guide to a Basic Tele-Triage Program

How COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases Move Within a Hospital

ACEP Statements on PPE for COVID-19

Return-to-Work Criteria


Returning From Work

Preparing for Work

EMS: Infectious Disease Safety Information

Emerging Infectious Diseases

ACEP Fact Sheet: MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome)

Zika Virus

Legionnaires Disease


MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome) Resources

Ebola Resource Archives

Influenza Pandemic Emergency Preparedness – Waiver of Certain Medicare Requirements

Studies Suggest N-95 and Surgical Masks Offer Equal H1N1 Protection


National Strategic Plan for ED Management of H1N1 Influenza

Influenza Resources and Updates

Joint Commission to Extend Time to Antibiotic Administration


Radiologic Imaging and Teleradiology in the Emergency Department

Emergency Department Utilization During Respiratory Infectious Disease Outbreaks