EM Wellness Week 2019 Departmental Challenges

You can enter the Group Challenge either as a department (faculty or staff) or as a residency program (residents + faculty). You will need to declare a team captain and number of team members.

Participation and prizes are based on your department/team’s completion of two steps:

  1. Create and submit a wellness mission statement; and
  2. Complete a group wellness activity of your choosing (options described below)

Due to significant interest, the deadline has been EXTENDED!

These two steps must be completed and submitted, along with the registration form by April 13, 2019.

Members from the ACEP Well-Being Committee will judge all participants who meet the above criteria. The panel will select one winner from each of the activity option categories. Prizes include iEMWell t-shirts, commemorative plaque, feature during Wellness Week 2019, and a write-up in ACEP Now. One team captain/lead organizer chosen from the winning team will receive free registration to ACEP19 in Denver, CO!

Winning teams will be notified by email mid-April.

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